Monday, August 19, 2013

New Chapel Open House

Elder and Sister Stamps recently moved their branch into a brand new building. The old one was much too small, so this was a very exciting development. They had an open house on Saturday, August 17th. Each organization had a display. Around 75 people attended, 6 of which are investigators. No civic officials attended due to heavy rains. A film about the First Vision was shown, followed by question and answer time. Here are some picture that they wanted to share.

Our Elders are Elder Policarpio and Elder Frischknect.
They are a go-getters!


The river by our back gate is now over the banks. We are safe. we are 2 feet higher than that. Much of the lowlands are flooded. We have some members who are living upstairs in their houses this week. We hope the main roads are open so we can get to urbiztondo. The storms bring a lot of rain. It can dump an inch in an hour. It is a balmy 75 degrees.  A lot of rain is headed this way. We will help those we can reach.  Those who live by the agno river should have left for higher ground last night. We will have food for those who go to the malibong school.  This sure is different to the desert.

Monday, August 12, 2013

What a week in Pangasinan!!

We are well and busy.
We moved into the new chapel on Tuesday.  The workers were still working on the wiring. Many members came to help load the truck.  It went really well.
On Wednesday the contractor and inspector debated the list of rework we wanted. The back steps were poured by some members.  The sink drains were fixed. Well most of them. We put bolt locks on the doors.
Thursday we poured the front steps.  Just as the cement was floated and finished, the piano arrived. We carried it through the back door. More finish work was done by the contractors.
Friday the workmen finished the front steps. They look pretty good. The wiring was finished. The lights outside now are on at night. I got the computer to work again. A great brother has built some storage boxes for the kids in primary that they can sit on during classes. The building is almost finished. We now have closets for relief society and primary and young men and women. There is even a cabinet for paper goods and brooms.
Saturday, The youth practiced a new song while workmen finished some projects.
Sunday we had the mission President and his councilor and their wives for sacrament meeting.  I t went well.  We still need some room partitions in the main hall to separate the classes. It is good to hear the primary children sing.   We are planning the first activities for this Saturday.  The elders quorum plan on building a bamboo fence between here and the neighbors. All are happy. This will be good for this branch for a long time.

There is a typhoon coming tonight and tomorrow. It will pass north of here. We will get the edge of it with rain and wind.  What a week.