Sunday, February 17, 2013

Banana Trees and Garcia Family

Here are some pictures of banana trees.

The Garcia Family
 [The Garcia Family] were sealed last year. December. Today, February 17, 2013 Jan Jude the oldest son gave his first talk in Sacrament meeting. He is the first child of the Garcia family. He is 13 and a deacon. He did a great job. Before his talk he told me that [was] nervous. I assured him that he [would] be able to deliver his talk just fine.I also told him to say a prayer in his heart and invite the Holy Ghost because the Holy Ghost was the one who help[ed] him put together the things  that he [had] written.

We are tired and still very happy on what we are doing. We love the members and soon we will be home and I am looking forward to just garden[ing] and be[ing] with all my children and all my apok family at a time in the near future.

I have gotten to know my Savior and king Jesus Christ. I know that he knows us each individually by name. All I need to do is to repent of all my wrong doings and do better on the things that are placed in front of me. To continue His work to love all people and tell them about His plan for them. Families are very important and our goal is to see to it that all our kindred will be sealed to us and that the [center] of our lives is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will be able to go back and have eternal life after this life because He died and paid for our sins.

President Stamps also unloaded my camera. All these picture of mangoes and papayas are taken with the new camera that was lovingly given to us by our children and their spouses. Thank you. These are all taken in our yard here in Pangasinan Aguilar.  [from the webmaster: see next post for the pictures referred to here]

Our branch is located a little bit far off. Around 15 miles but it takes an hour to get there. I am slow on everything here. But we are getting by. Today I taught the senior primary and our topic was about the Golden Plates and the Prophet Joseph Smith. the first vision and Heavenly Father and Jesus having a flesh and bones and that they are alive, with glorified bodies which we are hoping to be like them. The children said that Jesus is our example He lived a perfect life and we are trying to follow His example but it is hard so he gave us a gift to repent, because we are not yet perfect. It was great to be in primary today.

Love you all.

Sister Stamps,

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